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Guidelines before translation

  • Before translation the translator is required to:

  1. Apply in writing to the director of the center;

  2. Provide a copy of the book intended for translation;

  3. Provide a 300-word-summary of the chapters of the book, and highlight the importance of the book;

  4. Pay 50% of the publisher's copy rights. The sums of money paid for publishers to get permissions range from 500$ (1880SAR) to 2000$ (7500 SAR). There are cases when permissions are given for free. The duration for getting the permission varies in line with the information presented by the Centre. If there is a previous cooperation with the center, it will take a week at most;

  5. Translators abide by an article in their contract with the center that necessitates exploiting Arabic linguistic audits to edit the book before sending it to referees; and

  6. Having got the consent of the translation Center Board and the publisher of the original book, translators are granted their contracts and start translation.

For more information, e-mail the center at:

  • Translation Standards:

  1. Abiding by the conditions of King Saud University Press regarding the layout of the translated book as well as exploiting an Arabic linguistic audit to edit the book;

  2. Translation should be characterized by smoothness in the style (good readability) and clarity of sentences;

  3. Precision and sincerity while translating the text;

  4. Translating the whole book without a miss including: the text, photos, figures, drawings, tables, footnotes, annotations/endnotes and appendices;

  5. Translation should be free from language, grammatical and spelling mistakes;

  6. Indian numbers (٥٤٣٢١) are to be used;

  7. References in line with the text must be written in the foreign language next to the Arabized version at first; then the Arabized version is used alone. References between brackets should stay in their source language;

  8. There should be an introduction by the translator;

  9. There should be an index in the target language;

  10. Translation of terminology should be consistent;

  11. Only translated or Arabized terms are used;

  12. There should be a bilingual glossary of terms and it should have two methods of alphabetical organizations in the two languages (e.g. English/Arabic and Arabic/English); and

  13. Acronyms and abbreviations should be translated (if there are any).

Regulations regarding delivering the translated book to the center:

  1. To hand in the translated book for refereeing, kindly consider the following:

  1. Provide hard copies of the original book and the translation, and a soft copy of the translated book (to be checked by the quality and refereeing committees); and

  2. After the book gets approved by the quality and refereeing committees, two extra copies; of the original book and the translation, are to be provided.

  1. To hand in the translated book after executing refereeing notes, kindly consider providing the following:

  1. One hard copy of the original book;

  2. One hard copy of the translation;

  3. A soft copy on a CD of the translation; and

  4. The refereed translated copies;

For set books only, the printed decisions of the department and college councils.  

Last updated on : January 12, 2023 2:16am